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The Great Legacy Purpose Challenge of Our Time

Help build a better society today, everywhere. Help:

End the Wars

Kill Corruption

Speed Development

Better Society

All you have to do is demand true democracy in your country. Everything else follows shortly after that.

Discover why and how

Already Got Democracy? No YOU DON'T. See Why


Don't wait till it catches up to you.

Demand true democracy in your country today, and you would have done more for society than many governments and people could do in several lifetimes. You would have cleared the path to solving all our problems in health, peace and security, environmental protection, social welfare, energy and more, GLOBALLY! We have made it INCREDIBLY EASY to do so now, no matter your situation. Your will not be wasting your time here!

The present era is over. A new one is before us, and with us now. Stand with the right side of history, by starting here.

Feeling comfortable in your country, unaffected by the troubles of others? You should not. Our lives are more connected than apparent. By fixing governance in your country, you help fix governance globally, and save yourself and everyone else from the steep price of bad governance anywhere. Take a moment to read up on it here.

Society calls on you.
There's no other opportunity.
This is it, and the time is now.

Our systems have failed. They always will, by design. But we have a fix now; the Future of Governance is here, and YOU can help onboard it. We've made it incredibly easy to. Learn more

No more excuses. No more pandering. NO MORE.

Society is acting now. The future is watching.
Help Join Be the descent ones. Save the world.

About Us

TFOG is not an organisation or community in itself but a hub of information and a supporting resource for a series of books solving the biggest most central challenges of, and thus redesigning, governance and society.

Here you can discover and learn more about the resources, people and communities pursuing these goals and ideas.

Everything explained